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电话: 86-519-88501275
传真: 86-519-88501275
姓名: summer

  Changzhou Shenzhou Wooden Co., Ltd. is specialized in producing laminated floor, which is located at North of Industrial Park Cuiqiao, Henglin town, Changzhou City. The company is adjacent to 312 national way by its south and Shanghai-Nanjing express way by its North. We take the lead in passing the ISO 9001 and ISO14001 Quality Management Certification. The network of sells throughout China and extends to USA, Romania, Italy, Ireland, ukraine etc.

主要产品/业务: 强化地板,踢脚线,PVC踢脚线,地膜,铝天花板

常州市神洲木业有限公司 / 江苏 / 常州市武进区横林镇崔北工业园区 (213103) / 电话:86-519-88501275


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